Breakthrough Creativity Workshop
Empowering 6-week Workshop
Starting May 30th

Breakthough Creativity is an empowering 6-week workshop for all aspiring creative people who seek to unblock their potential; and for those who have nurtured a dream to one day write, paint, dance, compose, build a company, plant a rose garden or otherwise express their unique individuality. Take a risk, gather a little bit more courage and playfulness and just leap before you look! Turn your fears into excitement, make fun of your self-sabotaging strategies of defeatism and start living your dreams.
Many of us wish we were more creative. Many of us sense we are more creative, but unable to effectively tap that creativity. Our dreams elude us. Our lives feel somehow flat. Often, we have great ideas, wonderful dreams, but are unable to actualize them for ourselves. Sometimes we have specific creative longings we would love to fulfill - learning to play the piano, painting, taking an acting class, writing or building your own business but sooner or later our first baby steps in realizing our dreams are shamed into oblivion beneath the ridicule of our inherited inner voices ("Who are you kidding?"), the unconscious sabotage of our friends and family and 1,001 other ambushes of the heart. Slowly, slowly, we start to believe our own worst fears and become creatively blocked.
How do you know if you're creatively blocked? Jealousy is an excellent clue. Are there artists or other creative friends whom you resent? Do you tell yourself, "I could do that, if only…" Do you tell you tell yourself that if only you took your creative potential seriously, you might:

· Stop telling yourself, "It's too late."
· Stop waiting until you make enough money to do something you'd really love.
· Stop telling yourself, "It's just my ego" whenever you yearn for more creative life.
· Stop telling yourself that dreams don't matter, that they are only dreams and that you should be more sensible.
· Stop fearing that your family and friends would think you crazy.
· Stop telling yourself that creativity is a luxury and that you should be grateful for what you've got.

This powerful and fun process leads you through a program to recover the joy of your creativity from a variety of blocks, including limiting beliefs, self-sabotage, jealousy, guilt and other inhibiting forces, replacing them with confidence and productivity. What's more, it provides a nurturing family of fellow creators supporting your creative recovery all the way through the process.
The 6-week workshop starts Tuesday, April 10th and meets every week from 7-9:30 pm in the Fremantle area. Cost for the 6-week workshop is only $150 which includes hand-outs and other surprises. Space is limited so book now! For further information contact Robert (Veeten) Coleman or Kerrelee (Sanmati) Lummis at #9319 9242.
For all those unable to attend the workshops, private sessions are also available.

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Facilitated by Robert (Veeten) Coleman, B.A., M.F.A,
American playwright, actor, author and therapist
who has 15 years experience in leading workshops
in creativity and healing in the U.S.,
France, Greece, India and Australia.